Thursday 1 August 2013

August is... 1918 Month! (and Doodles)

Well Catch-up Month was a bit of a bust. Whilst I did get some painting done I didn't do what I'd planned, consequently this month will see a dedicated push to finish the remaining aeroplanes for AirWar: 1918 (2nd edition) before David Manley kills me!

Duel Above the Piave by Ivan Berryman
I have drawn up a spreadsheet that shows I have 15 Great War planes left to paint. Not all of them are "needed" for the project, but I want to make sure I get the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman planes finished this time so they can be included in the photoshoot.

I have all the models I need to paint up, plus some new pilots and observers from Shapeways so no more excuses now, time to reach for the sky!

Gromit of the Day:


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