Thursday 31 December 2020
A Cunning Plan (or two...) for 2021!
Wednesday 30 December 2020
Sharp Practice: Confrontation at Georgetown Crossroads...
The evening before the country entered the second national lockdown of the year, Andy and I met at BIG to get in a game of Sharp Practice to see if I could stop his run of victories (is two in a row a run?). The basic scenario was taken from the Swamp Fox campaign supplement (scenario nine - Georgetown) although as we don't have the requisite forces yet for Swamp Fox (how many mounted militia do I need?!!), we drew up our forces based on what we had to hand. The scenario is a meeting engagement with the aim to defeat the enemy and control the crossroads...
The game started with three groups of brave Continental Line marching down the road towards the crossroads commanded by Captain Blackmore (accompanied by a drummer and 'holy man' Molly Pitcher)
That was one helluva battle and hugely enjoyable, swinging one way then the other before I finally managed to snatch victory. I had thought I had the edge when I managed to deploy my Line infantry into line before Andy, but the god of Command Chips deserted me at this vital point allowing Andy's Line to pummel mine with a series of volleys. Fortunately the brave Continentals stood up to this long enough for the Legion Light Infantry to arrive and charge the British Line.
A mention in despatches mush go to the the Militia Skirmishers under the commands of Corporals Glover and Paice who managed to hold off Harrow's Light Infantry (the British equivalent of the Legion) and protect the American right flank, ultimately ensuring victory fell the American way.
Sadly this was the last game of 2020 as the next day we entered the national lockdown and a fortnight later emerged into tier two (so no gaming) and then a week later tier three. I'm not sure when we'll get our next game in, but huge thanks to Andy for introducing me to Sharp Practice this year, it has been a lot of fun.
Thursday 24 December 2020
Ad Mare Bellum: Slaughter at Salamis
Before the November lockdown I did manage to get a couple of games in down BIG as we were (then) Tier One, I have just been a tad tardy on writing up the after action reports for one reason or another... The first of these was our refight of Salamis using Long Face's Ad Mare Bellum. Following a couple of previous games we'd made a couple of tweaks to the game which had worked well including the inclusion of a 'Tiffin' card which randomly ends the turn (what's the Greek for Tiffin?)
On an 8' x 6' table Steve and Bryan commanded the Greeks (deployed at the top in the photo below), whilst George and I command the larger fleet of Persians, Ionians and Egyptians... The numbers of ships was taken from the scenario in Poseidon's Warriors.
The battle turned out rather one sided, not helped by the Persians drawing six phases in a row allowing them the initiative to attack the static Greeks. The odds of that happening are of course rather unlikely but the Gods of the Dice decided to that was the way things were to play which was a shame as it had not happened like that in the two smaller games George and I had previously played and led to a rather unsatisfactory game for Steve and Bryan...