It's funny how your mind wanders as you get older! With all this
Warhammer 40,000 25th Anniversary stuff I decided to paint up a platoon of Imperial Army (as they were called in the G.O.D) most of which had been sat unpainted from 1987. Of course this lead me to think about battles long past and when I was in sixth form and Maggie was in power, the many games of
Warhammer Fanatasy Battle I played and, most importantly, what fun was had (see mind wanders from 40k to fantasy...).
A beer or two later and I was considering why
Warhammer II seemed to provide a level of enjoyment that I've not really experienced since with the game. I'm not saying that I have not had some fun with
Warhammer VII and it might be rose-tinted glasses but it didn't have the fun and flexibility of the second edition.

I'm not sure why this is, possibly because the game needed to be tightened up for tournament players and beardy win at all costs types but I think the newer editions have lost the heart that the first two or three editions had. Second edition was the time of scenario packs like
Bloodbath at Orcs Drift and
The Tragedy of McDeath not the countless rehashed army books we get these days. It also had a pretty good magic system.
So is there any point to this reminiscing of the G.O.D.? Well yes I think so. I'm going to start working on and off to rebuild my Goblinoid army, repainting some of it to a C21st standard with a view to introducing Saul to the joys of
Olde Skool Warhammer during the weeks between the end of his GCSE's and we find out whether he is going to Sixth Form or applying to
McDonald's. Hopefully he'll find it as much fun as I did at his age...

I have dug out my old
Warhammer II box and it all seems to be there (including some house rules combining the hit and wound rolls) and a quick surf of the internet has provided downloads of PDFs to upload in the
iPad which has saved me scanning it for ease of reference and cunning plotting whilst SWMBO watches
Downton Abbey or
CSI: Whatever in the evenings. I'm not sure where
Orc's Drift or
McDeath have been stored but I'm sure they are somewhere along with the
Ravening Hordes army book (yes, in the G.O.D. we had one army book covering all the armies - and ones you don't get these days!)
Should be fun bringing Gorbage the Goblin and his army out of retirement and showing these modern day plastic stunties a thing or two, in fact he and his chariot probably deserves a fresh lick of paint...
Update: whilst I'll post photos of repainted units here I'll detail most of the progress and any other ramblings not befitting this page on my shiny new Ye Olde Skool Warhammer blog...