Kickstarter's are definitely all the rage these days but it is not often that they are used for just miniatures lines.
Empress Miniatures, purveyors of fine Zulu War and SAS miniatures, have one on the go at the moment that has caught my eye but I am doing my best to resist.
Devil Dogs and Dragons is a new 28mm modern miniatures line being financed through
Kickstarter with contemporary ranges of US Marines, Chinese PLA and now Australian army figures all for a hypothetical armed clash in the Pacific.

The miniatures shown so far are absolutely exquisite but I would be hard pushed to justify them as an "existing project additions" and the USMC and PLA camo patterns look quite challenging!
There's six days to go and I am really trying to be good (especially as I have been so naughty with
Cthulhu Wars!!!)
Gromit of the Day:
Bunty |
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