Saturday 5 March 2011

March Is... Air Month!

March was never going to be the most promising month for wargames projects as it is a busy one from a work perspective, a situation not helped with my eyes flaring up again this last week. Consequently I'm limiting my ambition in March to adding some more planes to my 1/144th WWI air collection, possibly with a brief sojourn into the Russian Civil War and Baltic Wars of Independence. I'll need to pick up some wire, glue and paint, as well as some decals from Dom (as well as work out how to paint a red swastika neatly for a Latvian Camel).

Before all that is finishing the bases on last month's Russkis and they received a basecoat of Bestial Brown this morning and just need drybrushing with Bleached Bone and a bit of static grass adding before they're finished.


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to, especially the RCW stuff.
