My afternoon game at Gert Lush Lard was a Chain of Command one, but set in WWI (well the Intervention in the Russian Civil War to be exact) organised by Brian Shipp, with Frazer and myself as the brave Indian forces attempting to dislodge the Lardy Rich's pesky Reds from the Deshak railway station. Having wanted to do WWI CoC for some time this was going to be interesting...

Also interesting was using 15mm figures for Chain of Command, which worked well though I did occasionally lose the odd khaki unit on the arid patterned tabletop!
Due to an excellent Patrol phase by Frazer the Indians had a Jump Off Point half way up the table which certainly helped with our deployment for the platoon.
Whilst the Bolsheviks hunkered down on the river bank placing a Maxim HMG on top of a building.
Unfortunately for the Reds, the Indian force had some useful artillery support.
The initial push into the wood was met by withering Russian fire and the Indian rifle section took a lot of Shock...
Before breaking after amassing more Shock than survivors. Not the most auspicious of starts...
Realising victory would not be achieved by charging a dug in enemy with Maxim guns, the Indians adopted a more methodical approach firing artillery and grenades...
Targeting the Bolshevik section in the woods...
First piling Shock on and Pinning them...
Before breaking them!
The Indian platoon moved slowly forward towards the enemy positions...
Whilst the artillery and grenade launchers targeted the Red Maxim guns in an effort to suppress them...
One Maxim fell victim to the indirect fire so Comrade Rich moved up another infantry section to replace them.
The Indian Bomber section occupied the tree line...
But came under attack from a third Red section in the woods...
Taking Shock and casualties.
Undaunted, the Indians fought back piling Shock on the Russian infantry.
With the Indians moving resolutely up the table and the artillery and grenade launchers wreaking havoc on the Bolshevik defenders in the town, the Red force morale dropped to zero and they fled the field of battle...
A great game hosted by Brian, it certainly rewarded a slow and steady approach with the use of suppressive fire. Brian said that Frazer and I had put "on a fine display of how to combine the four specialist sections in a 1918 British Army platoon to storm an entrenched Bolshevik position".
Cool looking game.