Many of you will by now have heard the announcement that wargames magazine
Battlegames will no longer be able to be produced in its current printed format.
Battlegames was a great magazine with echoes of
Practical Wargamer and
Battle, I especially liked the inclusion of F/SF as "just another period" (the way it should be).
It may be that editor and publisher Henry Hyde is able to keep the magazine going as a PDF project, I certainly hope so, but what concerned me was his comments in the statement as follows,
"the blunt fact is that I should have recognised the writing on the wall sooner and am now in considerable financial difficulty as a result. I have been operating as a one-man-band in a precarious financial position from the outset, with no fall-back position, and I have paid the price. It is now imperative that I resume my former career in graphic and web design for the time being, as well as my new one in writing, in order to prevent complete financial meltdown."

You may have seen Henry recently raised over £10,000 for the
Combat Stress charity walking from Battle to Lewes Castle (on an unseasonably hot day when temperatures hit 28c!) and it doesn't seem right to me that someone who does something like this should not have the support of the wargaming community in his hour of need...
If you have not bought any copies of
Battlegames you can buy some back issues
here. Alternatively (and I think this is a fantastic bargain) for just £40.50 you can download issues 1 to 24 in PDF format
here (and get a free PDF of
Tabletop Teasers Volume One as well).
I'm sure any purchase, no matter how small, will be of great personal help to Henry and I encourage you all to visit the
Battlegames website and buy something, you won't regret it, the only regret will be if this is the end of