I was supposed to be going to the Tewkesbury Medieval Festival today with the family but have been left at home as I am not feeling 100% (or even 80%) and was told by SWMBO that I needed to make sure I was up to going to Saul's retirement gig/valediction tomorrow. I'm somewhat annoyed as I was really looking forward to going as we haven't been for a few years and I enjoyed it immensely the last time we went. Maybe next year...
I've cheered myself up slightly by downloading the latest copy of the Warmaster e-zine Warmuster which is a siege special and looks jolly interesting, especially the sections on modeling castles and siege equipment. My 10mm projects have ended up on the back burner of late so this might be the inspiration needed.

On an unrelated note I did manage to resist for 24 hours the wonderful looking DaVinci Tank from Black Army Productions before ordering a couple (ok three...). I have always wanted to do a small Empire army but with a more Peasant's War/mercenary Landsknecht look with pike blocks and irregular clothed troops but never liked the GW Steam Tank (or the lack of pikes in the army). I have over time picked up some Foundry pike and have a few boxes of the old Empire plastics so these tanks seemed a perfect fit. Not quite sure whether I'd need three but the post free offer for the month said buy now, ponder later...
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