Thursday, 13 February 2025

Sharp Practice: Rescue Mission From Changezimurgh!

Game two of 2025 saw a return to the Indian Mutiny, Phil devising a Sharp Practice scenario that saw the Rough-Diamonds trying to hold off revolting natives (run by Andy and David) whilst a British force (led by Phil and myself) from Changezimurgh marches to their rescue...

Badmashes! The bally bounders are on the march and making an awful din!

Talking of dins, the not awful, and very loyal, Gunga Din (and his family) get ready for the Badmashes - will the sahibs arrive in time and save them and the Rough-Diamonds?

Ayo Gorkhali! The Gurkhas are coming! Lieutenant Flynt-Ston advances his brave men towards the beleaguered Ruff-Diamonds.

Ah, jolly good show! It's Lieutenant de Poncenay-Bout and the South Gloucestershire Light Horse, we'll soon have the rebellious wallahs on the run eh what?

And more stout chaps arrive to rescue the Rough-Diamonds - Lieutenant Moore-Bacon commanding two groups of skirmishers from the North Somersetshire Regiment, the safety of old Rough-Diamond and the Memsahib must be a mere formality now...

Gad! Pandies, thousands of them! Out of the shimmering heat the dastardly Subedar Poosh Dittin led his rebellious Sepoys arrives and charges towards the poor Din family...

The gallant Gunga and his boys put up a brave fight, but with Mrs Din shockingly killed by the rebels first volley, and the old servant wounded it looks like his time is up. Never mind the Rough-Diamonds are still ok, Gunga would be happy knowing that as he took his last breath.

Deen! Deen! Deen! The Pandies rush down the road...

The Badmashes following on both flanks.

Top hole, Captain Turner-Round and the regulars of the North Somersets arrive, a few rounds paid fire and the Pandies will be bowled out! Spiffing.

Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal! The Piffers (Punjabi Field Force) led by Captain Oulde-Duffer steal a march on the North Somersets and charge down the road into Poosh Dittin's rebellious sepoys! 

Whilst they send the rebels reeling back, Oulde-Duffer is knocked over in the excitement and half the first group of Sikhs are killed. Still good show chaps, that'll teach the bounders!

Tally Ho! The South Gloucestershire Lights go charging into Badmash leader Argi Bargi and his smelly followers...

The charge was fairly effective but the cavalry failed to wipe out the Badmashes and found themselves surrounded by other nasty native types, eyeing up the South Gloucestershires on their blown horses.

Unfortunately at this point your correspondent has some problems with his photographic equipment and failed to capture some of the excitement, which of course had nothing to do with a very bad turn of events for the Brits which saw Andi Pandi and his fanatical Ghazis rout the Sikhs, the South Gloucestershire take a battering from the Badmashes and Memsahib Rough-Diamond struck dead by a Pandy bullet (perhaps it is just as well such shocking images were not captured by photography and the constitutions of delicate readers like yourself upset...

Once your correspondent had cleaned the dust out of his lens (or whatever rubbish excuse he came up with) he did capture the Ghazis failing to charge in on the North Somersets...

And get a volley for their troubles!

Sadly it was too little too late, British Force Morale was in dire straits and Colonel Rough-Diamond butchered, his underpants removed and used as a flag by the Badmash bounders. And no, do not ask what happened to the Gurkhas...

A fun game, the luck being with the rebellious Andy and David. Personally I out all the blame for the British defeat on Phil sending the Gurkhas off on a sight seeing expedition and then getting overly enthusiastic with the Sikhs. On the plus side though, he so enjoyed playing with them so much, he went off and bought himself a new Punjabi Field Force army for future games!

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