Thursday, 20 February 2025

Sharp Practice: A Hero in Peril at Roganjosh!

Back to a turbulent India with Phil and Andy, and another Sharp Practice game was the British race to rescue Colonel Flashman, captured by the Pandies and about to be fed to a crocodile!

As the unfortunate British hero was about to become croc-kibble, Badmash skirmishers kept an eye out for any last minute British rescue effort...

Hold on Flashy! The British army is marching to your rescue...

With the Gurkhas protecting their flank, the North Somersetshires' march boldly into Roganjosh...

Whilst the South Gloucestershire Light Horse canter around the town seeking an alternative entrance into Roganjosh to rescue old Flashy.

Meanwhile in the town Andi Pandi is rousing his fanatical Ghazis into something of a lather.

Resolutely advancing forward, the Piffers (Punjab Field Force Sikhs) fire a volley at the Badmash bounders on a roof top killing one.

The other Badmashes try to shoot down the advancing Gurkhas, but make a complete hash of it.

Kai Kai! Andi Pandi looses his frothing Ghazis on the stout lads from North Somerset...

The North Somersets give the Ghazis a volley seeing them off. Min Jeeta then sends her Badmashes in on the gallant Brits...

Who beat them back with stout British courage and fortitude!

With the efforts of the rebels focused on the main road into Roganjosh, the Piffers scale the walls on the right and given some retreating Badmashes a volley...

Whilst the steady fire of the Gurkhas sees the Badmashes forced from the buildings to their front.

And then the coup de grace... With a cry of Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal! the Piffers go in, bayonets levelled into the Badmashes routing them.

At this point the Indian Force Morale hit zero and the rebels fled from Roganjosh. Flash Harry was safe, a soldier of the North Somersets put a bullet into the crocodile, which Flashman subsequently had skinned and made into a nice handbag for Elspeth...

Another atmospheric game of Sharp Practice and my first win of the year!

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