The other day Lance at Galloping Major kindly asked for permission to include one of my photos of my Gorham's Rangers unit in an updated Rangers Guide he is preparing for his website. I offered to take some 'clean' non-game photos for him, which I did, subsequently realising I had not posted pictures of the unit here when I painted them (nor the 1st Virginia which I'll dig out).
The main reason I went with Gorham's Rangers rather than Rogers' more famous compatriots was mainly because everyone and their Aunt Nelly seems to have Rogers Rangers in their French & Indian Wars armies, but also because I liked the uniform colour (green is soooo 1758 you know...)
The miniatures are Galloping Major and are an absolute joy to paint. I recently picked up some more following a recent sale with a view to adding some Native Americans to my force, and to convert some to North Carolina provincials who on the Forbes Expedition of 1758 were noted to be wearing native dress.
Beautiful work, Steve! They're all wearing great expressions. I like what you said about them being a joy to paint. It is funny how certain miniatures just take to the paint brush, and make it all seem so easy.