Tuesday, 31 December 2024

A Cunning Plan (or two...) for 2025!

Well that was 2024, a year of mixed emotions, the worst being the passing of my gaming mate George at the start of the year. As regular readers will know we played a lot of Rampant games together down Bristol Independent Gaming and had started working our way through 6mm modern rules, looking for the perfect set (not WRG Moderns which he is trying to work out below!) He is missed and it was not for nothing that he was known as 'Gentleman George' down BIG. 

Games wise I've played a lot more than I've managed to blog about including a lot of Lardy games with Andy, Phil and Jenny, got a bit of AirWar 1918 in with Jim, some Force on Force with Andy, Battlegroup Northag with Jimmy and Andy and (though I still have to post about it) participated in a great Billhooks multi-player game refighting Barnet and Tewkesbury over a weekend. A fantastic event organised by Mike (you can read about it on his blog here and here).

So how well did I do with A Cunning Plan (or two,,,) for 2024!? Well not very well if truth be told, the 20mm Japanese are started and half painted but nowhere near ready to hit the table, whilst the First Afghan War and Crete '41 are still sat in Really Useful Boxes... I'll roll them over to 2025 and add a couple more.

First off is painting up the Mutineers for Winter Wonder Lard V on 1st Feb. I've already more than enough British for the game but need to paint up some oppositionr. Today I've sorted out nine groups of infantry and six groups of skirmishers from the Mutineer RUB and started basing them up.

Secondly I do want to do some fantasy and/or science fiction sometime next year and top of the list are the Quar! I've not managed to get around to adding to my Crusader Squad painted earlier this year, but Jim has printed me some tractors (Quar tanks) and they are as lovely as the infantry...

Finally Andy shocked the known universe by expressing an interest in Footsore's Baron's War (history for Andy pretty much starts around 1750) and ordering a set of the rules. I do have a hankering to do something earlier medieval than the Burgundian Wars so might be tempted by a box of the Wargames Atlantic plastics and I've always been fascinated by The Anarchy (1138-53) so might scratch that itch.

Whether these plans will be as successful as 2023, or as bad as 2024 we shall see. I will resolve however to try and remember to blog a bit more regularly in 2025! Happy New Year everyone.


  1. Some interesting plans there, good luck mate!

  2. Nice blog! I really don't like the Barons War , I find it unnecessarily complicated and poorly written. Situations occur that the rules simply don't cover. I would direct Mr Crow elsewhere
