Real life work seems to be unending at present but there is a light at the end of the tunnel as I've had to take some holiday before the end of the year or lose it, so today I've got the day off and managed to undercoat some miniatures and update Bleaseworld- hurrah!
Yesterday Saul and I went to Reveille for a couple of hours before he had to be at the Cathedral to sing a number of solos at the Advent Sunday service (and very well he did too). In between chatting to people I had a look round but didn't spend too much only buying a copy of the new F/SF magazine The Ancible (reserving judgement on it...) and a pack of Ironclad Miniatures Steam Automatons (what I've just undercoated).

What did catch my eye (but I didn't buy - yet...) were the alien plants from The Scene. I can't find them on their website but they are very nice and I thought they'd make great terrain items for Aquanef or other underwater games as well as alien flora.

They also produce a range of 15mm SF including these nice looking aliens called Karloks (apologies for the crap picture I wasn't taking a pic of them they were just in the background of the plants). Again not listed on the website but drop them an email, they are nice aliens, about 20mm high.
Off to do some more now on the Bristol Fighters and ONESS Germans...