Saturday 16 February 2013

(FFL Month) The Frustrating Scale Creep Dilemma

A little while back I picked up a few blisters from Foundry's Maximilian Affair miniatures to help expand the Camerone set from the same manufacturer that I am currently painting. Amongst them was a blister of Contra Guérillas however as with most packs in this range there was just one sculpt duplicated eight times.

This is a major irritation with Foundry's line, especially as it means that there is no variation of pose and there are no command figures. Enter Gringo 40 with their new 28mm scale Maximilian Affair range including... Contra Guérillas and command figures! Unfortunately there are only two other ranks poses but between the two manufacturers it seemed a small force of the colourful Contras in 28mm scale could be raised.

My order from Gringo 40 arrived yesterday, unfortunately they are massive compared to the Foundry miniatures... Further, upon checking them, the Foundry Maximilian figures are actually smaller than their Camerone ones which seem to fall somewhere between the the original Perry sculpted Foundry and the new Gringo 40.

This has on the horns of a dilemma. The Gringo figures are just about compatible with the Camerone set. I picked up some of their Mexican infantry and they fit in with the Militia I have already painted (ok, they are slightly larger but they work). Unfortunately neither range has enough Contras for a reasonable sized and varied unit (and of course now I want a Contra unit!)

I'm also now not sure what to do with the remaining original Foundry blisters (a mix of Imperial and Republican). I bought I'm thinking of experimenting by raising the smaller figures by 1mm with a coin between the figure base and slotta base and hoping the paintjob helps disguise the slightness of the original Foundry miniatures.

Whatever it is very frustrating that given the limited amount of 28mm scale miniatures available for this conflict, that here is such as size difference between them...


  1. I feel for you. I have a similar problem with French and Indian war figures. These to me are actually a different scale. I am not convinced Gringo 40 is really a wargames figures company. They just don't offer enough variants. Ithink they are designed more for painter/collectors sadly.

  2. It really is frustrating. It seems to effect gamers who play in some of the more obscure or less loved periods particularly.

  3. Before ordering I send an e-mail to have free sample (but some manufacturer don't send it...)

  4. Hello,

    I am short, 5'5". I also worked around many (hundreds) Mexicans (actually born in Mexico, not descendants or Spanish descendants.) They are generally shorter than me (5' or 5'1"). So assuming that Europeans at this time would be a little taller than me, but not much, it is very realistic to have Mexicans figures be any where from a half to a full head shorter than the Euros. I really would not be worried about the height difference of some of your figures then.



    1. Good point, though the Contras are supposed to be Mexican! :-)

  5. I was involved in a campaign of a fictional US intervention into Mexico to support the Republicans about 20 years ago. So I can't remember any real details, but I thought the Contra Guérillas were a mixed lot of Euros and Mexicans Indians. So wouldn't the shorter guys still work for the natives in the group? If not, that does put you in a bit of a fix.



    1. I was giving the Contras a European officer, perhaps a couple of the figures could be NCO's. Good idea Joe, cheers.
