Thursday 30 May 2013

Onwards and Upwards!

I don't pay that much attention to the blog stats but as we hit a big milestone this month I thought it appropriate to flag it and thank everyone for visiting Bleaseworld.

This month's page views has broken the 20,000 barrier, something I never imagined possible. I was really chuffed when we got close to 10,000 in March 2011, but this year saw the blog break the 10,000 in January with 12,072 views and continue to rise month on month with 20,399 so far in May, Bit gobsmacking that...

So thank you all for visiting and al the feedback (I d read it all and it is appreciated).

Back to the Romano-British horses now...


  1. A Quality Blog should always be reciprocated with plentiful page views/hits.

  2. A fantastic performance. well done.

