Sunday 23 June 2013

Are You My Mummy?

I managed to pick up a paint brush for the first time this month today - and found my mojo for painting Saxons had completely disappeared! :-( I sat there and looked at the 24 undercoated figures and didn't feel inspired one bit, so I cast around to find something else and an old Grenadier UK Giant Mummy, which has been sat around on the workbench for some time caught my eye. So I painted that...

The model is part of a long planned/unlikely to come to fruition WHFB Araby project with a Tomb Kings army, Desert themed Elves and Bretonnian Crusaders (with some Imperial Dwarves). I do have reasonable size collections of these figures sat in Lead Mountain and Plastic Hill so it may happen. Anyway I decided to paint the Mummy which should form part of the Tomb Kings army one day.

The model is quite chunky, an impressive 65mm tall and was an easy paint, largely drybrushed with some Devlan Mud washes. It is still available from Mirliton along with the rest of the old Grenadier UK undead which is a great range that whilst looking chunky paints up very well. I do have a small collection somewhere which I painted up for a game at Salute may years ago (in the Kensington days) which I will have to dig out and post on the blog sometime...

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