Tuesday 8 October 2013

A Brush With... Birmingham!!!

Now there is absolutely no truth whatsoever in the rumour I moved a work meeting from London to Birmingham so I could pick up some new paintbrushes from Waylands Forge, that is by merest coincidence on the way from the train station to the office. Nope, no truth at all... ;-)

Anyhow in Britain's second city today (obviously behind Bristol) I popped into Waylands Forge and picked up some new paint brushes as mine had started to get to the drybrush only stage.

When I started painting I used to frequent art shops for proper brushes but laziness had led me to buying from Games Workshop when I switched to acrylics. However their brushes have go to the stage that a serious look will cause them to lose their point so when in Birmingham a few months back I popped into Waylands Forge for a poke around and walked out with a Kolinsky Sable no.2 and 3.

For the last several months that's all I've used, they keep their points like nobodies business...

Today I expanded my collection picking up a couple of 0's, a couple of 2's a 3 and 4. A little research indicates they are sold by Game Craft and what I like (after trying them) is the triangular handles. When I bought the first two I thought this was a silly gimmick, but have really appreciated how it helps keeping the brush steady.

Unfortunately by the time I got home it was too late to christen them, but hopefully tomorrow I can give them a spin!


  1. Triangular handles are the future! Not the best battle cry I realise but true when it comes to comfort and ease of use.
