Monday 26 September 2011

Athenian Hoplites

It seems to have taken forever but I have now finished the first two hoplite phalanxes of my Athenian army for the Peloponnesian War project.

Both phalanxes are made from Immortal Miniatures excellent plastic hoplite boxes, mixing the original Ancient Greek Hoplite box with the Classical Greek set and painted using the Army Painter soft tone dip. The shield iconography are all decals from Immortal who provide a sheet with each box and an additional larger sheet which you can buy (but they gave away at Salute if you bought three boxes).

Personally I am unconvinced by the brightness of some wargamers hoplite armies with pure white linen and shining gold armour so I went for a slightly more grubby look relying on the horse plumes and shields for the splashes of colour. I also broke with tradition on the bases and used Vallejo Midstone as the base colour rather than GW Bestial Brown before drybrushing with Bleached Bone and adding some patches of flock to give the bases a more Aegean look...

Overall fairly pleased with them and keen to get the third phalanx done and the smaller veteran unit whilst the motivation is there.


  1. Nice look to them especially the muted colour, good work.

  2. Sigh. You remind me that I have two boxes of unpainted hoplites in the garage. So many models, so little time.

  3. Very nice.I like the basing and the toned down shades.

  4. Athenians are the only army you can store in an Attic (Boom Boom!)

  5. Very nice. I', still not convinced by the way that the scabbards have to hang horizontally to get under the shield, though. What do you think?

  6. I much prefer the grunge look too. Nice looking unit Steve
