Sunday 1 May 2011

May Is... Moderns Month

Unfortunately April was pretty pathetic on the wargames front, the games room is still lost under piles of this and that and I didn't manage to paint very much either. I did ponder extending rescuing the games room month into May as it is a pretty important project but decided it will just have to be BAU as I focus painting efforts on something else.

With the Force on Force bug having bitten I've decided to have a 'Moderns Month' concentrating on two projects, my Cold War in a hot country Whirarwistan and the somewhat stalled England Prevails modern English Civil War. Be a change to paint some camo...

On the subject of moderns Shaun at S&S Models sent me a copy of their up to date lists which is a treasure trove for moderns gamers. There are a lot of very tempting models and figures in both the WW2 and moderns ranges and I am am trying to find reasons NOT to buy the 20mm Stryker MGS...


  1. That looks a fantastic model - very impressive...

  2. I have listed you for the viral "Stylish Blogger Award", details here:

  3. Looking forward to the results of moderns month, especially the 2ECW stuff :O)

  4. S&S does make lovely models.

    I am in the same boat. Just bought Ambush Alley's new book (and glad I did) and am trying not to buy all the great 20mm stuff out there from S&S and Elheim......
