Friday 4 February 2011

(WWII Month) And Here's Some I Made Earlier...

It's been nose to the (work) grindstone last couple of days so I haven't had my 32nd January (Ancients) day, but in the spirit of WWII month here are some models I made earlier...

Matchbox PzIV L/70 (suffers from a bit of barrel drop and might gets some camo netting to hide).

Two Matchbox Panthers with added plasticard skirts...

Two of the infamous HaT T34/85's. Not too bad to build once you realise the instructions are wrong and the bottom of the hull fits perfectly the other way round! Not the best model, starting now I would use the Pegasus easy build but they'll do. Just turret numbers to add...

The original project pile. This month's efforts will focus mainly on the Russkis and one part painted German infantry platoon.


  1. It might be worth you looking at nflogging some of those old matchbox kits on Ebay (especially the Panthers) and getting a 2-in-1 box from Ltaleri. the Matchbox kits go for some pretty decent prices these days.

    Your WW2 project seems to be parallleling our project (although ours is desert based). What are you using for rules?

  2. Already made two of the three Panthers (that was the pre-project pile). If we'd started now there would be more of the easy build from Italeri and Pegasus...

    Going to use BfEvo, good old school wargaming set...
