My WWI plane building has come to a bit of a halt due to my inability to be anything like organised. Having run out of white undercoat I decided to buy some from the local (RC) model shop rather than drive into town. Wallet £10 lighter I ended up with a can that gave a very rough finish. Ok for tanks but not for 1/144th planes, 28mm soldiers or SWMBO's garden pixies she now wants me to paint (!) Picking up a can of GW spray yesterday (wallet another £8 lighter) I sat down last night to find I was pretty mcu out of the brass rod I use for plane struts (and as I want to do a Voisin next I am going to need a fair bit). I have managed to paint some test pieces for the
Grande War in Hyboria project, have started on some Victoriania figures (Holmes, Watson and some police) and need to paint something up for Saul's birthday in a couple of weeks (probably something small and stunty).

The main reason for the post is to tell you about the latest book I've read, James Delingpole's
Coward At The Bridge. I'd read the first in the series,
Coward On The Beach, about D-Day, earlier in the year and quite enjoyed it but the second book, set around Market Garden is to my mind much superior and enjoyable. The books have been described as a WW2
Flashman which isn't correct, Dick Coward is not a cad and a coward, just very unfortunate despite his often brave unrecognised actions (or his badly misinterpreted ones). A bit 'Boys Own' in parts but enough realism and recognition that war isn't a game to balance, I'm certainly looking forward to the forthcoming
Coward In The Woods and the other promised seven (which I hope includes Coward's adventures on the Eastern Front serving with the Germans!)
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