Saturday 1 February 2014

Over The Top!

A bit more paint on the next unit of Coldstreams today, fingers glued together whilst playing with the 15mm WW2 French and temptation in the form of news from Victrix - 28mm hard plastic First World War...

This CGI picture is a WIP so things will get tweaked and I suspect that some of the other plastic players  may have plans also that may be seen at Salute (I can't imagine that neither the Perry's or Warlord haven't pondered this).

On the subject of the Perry's, any last excuse for not getting on with the ACW project has gone...


  1. I had a look at the Victrix site today for the first time in ages and I'm very tempted with the ww1 British, though I was planning to do my Gripping Beast's Anzacs and Turks for next year.

  2. The centenary of Gallipoli does have a powerful draw to it, but there were heaps of Brits there too
