Monday 16 May 2022

Sharp Practice: Presente su tarjeta de llamada...

Phil asked Andy and I if we'd fancy teaming up against him to try out a scenario he'd come up for, for a future Lardy Day, so we headed back to the valley of the three Cojones to the estate of El Hombre de Del Monte!

With El Hombre away on business, his younger, vivacious wife, El Bella Donna de Del Monte, invited the commanders of the armies in the valley to "present their cards". Both being admirers of El Bella Donna, the Spanish and French commanders agreed to a local truce and met the Spanish lady in her boudoir!

Outside a group of French infantry maintained a discrete guard near the Villa Del Monte.

With a unit of Spanish Cazadores doing similar, a reasonable distance away from the French.

In the boudoir harsh words were spoken and the Spanish commander challenged his French counterpart to a duel, much to the amusement of El Bella Donna de Del Monte!

A swift lunge by the Spaniard drew first blood...

But a quick riposte saw the Frenchman wound his opponent!

Outside more French troops arrived to supplement their commander's guard (in reality both commanders were attempting to surreptitiously gain control of the area by moving troops up under the truce).

Similarly a formation of Spanish Fusilieros arrived from the opposite side of the estate.

More French troops appeared in the valley, first one unit of Voltigeurs...

Followed by a second. The truce between the troops however was holding as the foes glared at each other, oblivious to the swordplay in the boudoir!

Whilst the truce meant neither side was going to fire on their opponents, this did not preclude a bit of fisticuffs and the Cazadores decided to rush the French guard who had taken up station in the Villa grounds...

Punches were swung, musket butts used and the French were forced back, two of their men knocked unconscious and rendered hors de combat...

Meanwhile a second round of duelling commenced in the boudoir, with both officers being wounded in the first flurry of blades...

The French commander taking a second wound following an expert thrust! The sight of so much blood had El Bella Donna all aquiver!

Seeing the Commander's guard had been roughed up, the French Fusiliers marched to their aid...

Whilst the Spanish moved a unit of cavalry into the valley.

Suddenly in the boudoir El Bella Donna's mother-in-law, El Cruella de Del Monte appeared, drawn by the sound of swordplay upstairs!

Incandescent with rage El Cruella attacked her promiscuous daughter-in-law, killing her in the process!

The sound of El Bella Donna death scream meant that the gloves were off outside and the truce was now over with the French moving up to engage the Spanish to try and capture the Villa...

However first blood went to the Spanish as the Cazadores poured a volley into the remnants of the Commander's guard killing four Frenchmen...

Forcing the two survivors fleeing back down the road towards safety.

In the boudoir the duel continued with expert Spaniard causing another wound on the Frenchman...

Before a swift lunge ran the French commander through killing him!

Outside the Villa the French reinforcements split into two groups to try and catch the Cazadores in a pincer move. Unfortunately for the first French group they walked into a Spanish volley...

Killing three Frenchmen and forcing the group to fall back with Shock.

Desperate to gain the Villa, one of the units of Voltiguers charged into the courtyard in an attempt to dislodge the Cazadores. Whilst some of the sky-blue coated Spanish light troops fell to the French musket fire they stood resolutely.

Outside the Fusileros charged down the road towards the second group of French Fusiliers...

Only to be beaten to the punch by the Spanish horse who charged in on the unfortunate French!

Whilst four horsemen were unseated, six of the French infantry fell to the Spanish cavalry...

Breaking the survivors and causing them to flee. 

This saw the French force morale plummet to zero and victory was mine and Andy's!

Despite the fact I did very little in the game (other than move my Fusilieros up the road) this was a fun scenario to play, I suspect Phil will tweak a few things before its public outing but I am sure it will prove to be an enjoyable scenario to play.


  1. Very nice narrative, but la Bella Donna de Del Monte ha mort! Shocked I tell you, shocking indeed.

  2. What a nice looking game - but that's a seriously minimalist boudoir!
