Monday 21 December 2009

In The Bleak Mid-Winter...

As you can see from the photo I took out the study window this morning we didn't lose out as Bristol received a scattering of snow last night. Not enough to cause major problems (least of all to me who is working from home, Saul who is watching The Red Baron or SWMBO who is in bed with the dreaded lurgy!).

The hill is called Maes Knoll and apparently is a small old Ancient British hillfort, as well as one end of the Wansdyke, a line of small forts to keep the Saxons at bay in Arthurian times (allegedly). Whatever it is a nice view, though there are plans to stick a bypass across it (building it two hundred yards south on the flat fields beyond the knoll seems beyond those that makes such decisions...).

I have managed to do some painting today on the Syren, but as the games room is the only room in the house without central heating it's been like painting in the freezer section of a supermarket. Still she should be finished tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I have a couple of tea-trays which are large enough to hold a current painting project and a selection of paints. This means I can move around the house to where the light is better, or it is warmer, or to keep the wife company if she's watching the tellie.

    Could be worth a try during your winter?
