
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Walter Tull Military Cross Petition

Walter Tull is a truly fascinating historical character from the early twentieth century.

The first black outfield English professional footballer and also the first black commissioned officer in the British Army (contrary to Military Law at the time). He served at the Somme and in Italy (where he was mentioned in despatches and recommended for the Military Cross).

Subsequently he was killed in action near the village of Favreuil in the Pas-de-Calais during the German Spring Offensive of March 1918 .

Whilst no one denies his bravery or service, the recommendation for the Military Cross was rejected (as) "he was not awarded the cross because, as a British citizen of non-European descent, he should not have been commissioned at all."

A campaign was launched in 2008 to award Second Lieutenant Tull the Military Cross posthumously. Unfortunately the Military Cross was not authorised to be awarded posthumously until 1979, and the change did not include any provision for retrospective awards.

However that has not stopped campaigners and a petition has been launched requesting the Prime Minister to change the rules on posthumous awards and ensure Walter Tull is awarded the medal he was denied solely due to the colour of his skin.

In this day and age of vapid celebrities the story of men like Walter Tull deserves to be celebrated and promoted and if you wish to sign the petition to add your support to the campaign please click here.


  1. Threw my support in. Hell my grandfather got a purple heart in WW2 at the Invasion of Normady getting shot in the butt on the beach digging a foxhole. Everyone deserves the honor they earned.

  2. Signed. Living in Tottenham, I was aware of Walter Tull's history but didn't know about this petition. He deserves the MC for his bravery, even if it is posthumous.

  3. Thanks Steve. I've signed. A really worthy recipient, a role-model and someone who we should all be proud of and grateful for his sacrifice. We shall always remember him.

  4. Excellent call on posting this Steve, thanks for flagging up the issue, and the opportunity to help put right an injustice - hopefully in the recent context of the Arctic Convoy medal and Bomber Command campaign clasp this should be exactly the right time....
