
Tuesday 19 March 2013

VSF Armoured Steam Car

I finally finished another of those pesky items that has been sat too log on my workbench earlier today, this Ironclad Miniatures three-wheeled armoured car which will form part of my Redcoats on Mars project.

The model is fairly straight forward to make comprising of just eight pieces. Detail is nice and the only complaint I have is that the resin axles are a little weak for the white metal wheels. If I was making another up I would look to drill and pin the wheels into the hull for greater strength.

I painted the model up in a three colour grey camouflage inspired by WW1 battleships. I then painted Army Painter Dark Tone dip before matt varnish and drybrushing some Terracotta Martian dust on the models. I think the dip technique works very well, the only lesson learned this time is to cover the model drying to avoid any dust or errant static flock settling on it! The Union Flag decals were bought from who also stock a wide range of useful AFV and aeroplane decals.


  1. I've got one of those too..nice model, although I left the turret of mine and turned the smokebox thing into a cupola instead.

  2. Like this:

    ...not as good as yours methinks.

    1. Actually that works very well, useful idea for a variant contraption...

  3. Never seen this model before, awesome!

  4. That looks very nice, great job sir!

  5. I really like Ironclad's models. I have two right now, the airship and one of the medium steam tanks. I want to get some more, to flesh out my forces.

  6. Top draw Old Boy! Love it!
    The decals really set it the early cam scheme wonderfully.

    Coincidentally, I am just making an order for one of Ironclad's four wheel steam carriages but to be placed into the hands of foreign powers...
