
Thursday 21 March 2013

Achtung! Cthulhu

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best. Move Call of Cthulhu from its standard 1920's setting to the 1940's and introduce Nazis. This is the premise of Achtung! Cthulhu, Modiphius Enetrtainment's new Cthulhu based role-playing game that is being funded on Kickstarter.

Whilst I'm not particularly interested in the RPG itself, the background and imagery are captivating as can be seen on this promotional video...

I have been wondering whether to join in for the PDF's as I think there is an excellent miniatures game here, probably using the Strange Aeons rules I bought a little while back. This idea has been reinforced by the concept illustration for one of the planned Acthung! Cthulhu miniatures - a Deep One Commando...

So simple an idea, it is brilliant and with my Reaper Bones Cthulhu coming sometime soon, surely a bazooka is the best way of taking him down?!


  1. There is something worryingly attractive about this.

  2. I'm already backing it....but of course you need to remember the long standing joke about Cthuluh.

    'What happens when you Nuke Cthulhu'

    '90 mins later he comes back...and now he's Radioactive'

  3. What better gaming hybrid could there be???
    Deep-One Commando? Brilliant!!!!

  4. Well, in fact the autors of Achtung Cthulhu ! tought about this themselves.
    They have now agreement for an expansion for the game-to-come "Heroes of Normandie" (based on the very good rules of "Frontiers".

    For more informations, you can look here :

    To be franck, the only problem is that you will not have miniatures to paint.

  5. Still agonizing over what pledge level to go with - what did you go for Steve?

    1. The Print Master, I was going for all the PDF's only but the £10 for two books (inc postage) was too good to pass up.
