
Tuesday 29 August 2023

June War: Egyptian SU-100 Mechanised Anti-Tank Company

Following on form the Egyptian Archers I painted up for the Tripartite Aggression/Suez Crisis/Sinai War of 1956, I've returned to the June/Six-Day War of 1967 painting up a company of SU-100's for the 1 Mechanised Antitank Battalion at the 1967 Battle of Abu-Ageila (aka Battle of Umm-Qatef).

Like the Archers the models are rescaled 6mm prints of the Bergman 3D STLs. 

Painted up in a basic overall sand pattern the models can be used for both 1956 and 1967, and also 1973 where they were utilised at Chinese Farm if I ignore the fact that by 1973 Egyptian AFV's had two or three colour came schemes.

ps, I have realised I painted the Egyptian crescents wrong the models (clearly looking at too many 2nd Indo-Pakistan War pictures and not double checking before painting!) - I will correct them at some point soon.

1 comment:

  1. I've only ever seen the white crescent on green circle marking on the SU-100 captured by the British in 1956 (which IIRC is at Bovington).
    By 1967, the Egyptians were using rectangular two colour markings similar to the Jordanians - certainly on T-34/85.
