
Sunday 9 June 2024

This Quar's War: Crusader Squad

It lives! Apologies for the lack of blog updates but the universe keeps getting in the way. There are a pile of battle reports to put up, including many victories(!), which I hope to get to this month but in the meantime here are some Quar! 

I fell in love with the Quar over a decade or so back but couldn't justify an order from the States, however with Wargames Atlantic now producing plastic Quar in the This Quar's War: Clash of Rhyfles boxed game, this long standing itch has finally been scratched!

The miniatures are fantastic and great fun to put together and paint. It is no exaggeration they made me smile sticking them together and painting the first Quar up.

The Crusaders are the first troops I have painted, their opponents, the Coftyrans are next on the painting table.

Not quite sure what they will get used for, I'll try the small scale game that came in the box, but Xenos Rampant or Chain of Command (Chain of Quar-mand?) might be a better long term bet if I end up buying more - which seems quite likely!


  1. Very nice. As you say, the Quar have a lot of charm. Fully understand about life getting int he way.

  2. Wonderful! Coincidently I just found my old Quar in a box in the attic. Lovely sculpts. I saw the plastics at Salute but resisted as I still hadn't done anything with the ones I had... barring a half completed painted on one.
