
Sunday 31 December 2023

A Cunning Plan (or two...) for 2024!

Another year down and first off apologies for the lack of Blogging - life, work and a surprising amount of wargaming (would have had a third game yesterday in five days if the bally leg hadn't given out!) have got in the way. 

Unfortunately George has been transferred to pastures new out of the area so a decided lack of Rampant games were played this year, but Andy has been a good chap trying out various 6mm rules with me (as well as accompanying me to Joy of Six), Phil and Jenny given me a regular Lard injection (along with Andy) and Jim provided me with a regular supply of prints for my 6mm AFV fix!

Looking back at A Cunning Plan (or two...) for 2023! I managed to hit a number of targets including successfully running my Valley of Tears game at Winter Wonder Lard III and painting up a Burgundian army used at two Never Mind The Billhooks events. I also painted up a 28mm WW2 Dutch platoon and supports for a Chain of Command weekend, started on my 28mm Indian Mutiny forces and painted some Jordanians for a Six Day War game I plan to run at Winter Wonder Lard IV. I also managed to get some 'O' Group  in with Andy using the 6mm US and German battalions I painted last year and have really enjoyed the games played.

So what are the plans for 2024? Well first off with the pending release of the Lardy Chain of Command supplement for the Far East. Phil and I have agreed on Burma in 20mm and initially I'm starting with Japanese and Phil the early war Brits, but I plan to follow that up with later war British (well probably Indians).

Also Phil related (as he got some 28mm Afghans for his birthday and Xmas) the First Afghan War using Sharp Practice is most certainly on the cards. I already have a stalled British army almost fully painted so that should be interesting...

There are a number of 6mm projects in development hell, but I think Crete 1941 using 'O' Group is most likely next as the Fallschirmjäger battalion is already based up and some of the scenery being used in my Six Day War game next month will work as well for Crete. I would also like to return to ColdWar '58 and look at various air options beyond the land based games I'm playing.

How well these plans survive... well we'll see but there are reasons to be optimistic. Of course no doubt something will come out of the blue (I had no thought of anything Dutch, let alone WW2 28mm Dutch  this time last year, but now proudly have a fully painted army!). Whatever happens I will try and be more diligent on the blogging front!

Hope you all have a great 2024!


  1. That's a good mix of stuff..have a great year of wargaming!

  2. We will watch (admittedly from afar) with great interest Steve!
