
Thursday 26 October 2023

Sharp Practice: Attacco ad un Obiettivo!

Following on from our recent Sharp Practice AWI game, Andy and I returned to the Napoleonic period with a game set in 1813 Germany using the Attack on an Objective scenario from the rulebook. I dusted off my Kingdom of Italy troops whilst Andy brought his new Königlich Preußisches Freikorps von Lützow to the table. The scenario was simple, the Italians had to capture the Freikorps HQ building, the Prussians had to stop them!

The Italians stole a march on the sleepy Prussians with Captaino Rossi leading an attack column of Fucilieri straight towards the enemy building!

With Sergente Altobelli and his Cacciatori a Cavallo scouting the Fucilieri's flank...

And discovering enemy forces - Sekondeleutnant Carsten Horst with his Freikorps Hussars!

This did not stop the arrival for more Italians, Tenente Baresi commanding the green-uniformed Volteggiatori Fanteria Leggera and Primo Corporale Zoff leading the white-coated Volteggiatori Fanteria di Linea...

With Tenente Baresi then deploying with a cannon of the Artiglieria a piedi.

However he soon found himself under fire from a group of Freikorps Volunteer Riflemen on a neighbouring hill commanded by Oberjäger Manfreid Mann!

Three Italian gunners fell dead to the accurate Freikorps fire.

The crack of rifle fire alerted the Prussians and Leutnant Hans Undnees swiftly deployed his Freikorps Musketeers in line to await the Italian attackers.

With a cry of Tally Ho! Sekondeleutnant Horst charged his Freikorps Hussars in on the Cacciatori a Cavallo...

Sergente Altobelli fell to a flashing Prussian blade and with two men lost on each side a second round of combat was fought...

Three more Cacciatori a Cavallo fell to the Prussian Hussars and the Italians broke, heading back to safety behind their infantry colleagues.

The battle had not started too well for the Italians, but it was far from lost! Tenente Baresi ordered his Volteggiatori Fanteria Leggera to shoot at the Freikorps Volunteer Riflemen on the hill...

The Italian musket fire inflicting shock on Oberjäger Mann's men.

Elsewhere Primo Corporale Zoff  instructed his Volteggiatori to see off Carsten Horst and his Hussars...

Their first volley only inflicted some Shock...

But a second round of fire from the Volteggiatori...

Killed three Hussars...

Resulting in Sekondeleutnant Horst and the sole surviving man of his unit breaking and fleeing for safety.

On the Italian right Tenente Conte arrived on the battlefield with his Granatieri...

Whilst Tenente Tardelli fired his artillery piece!

Inflicting some Shock on the Freikorps musketeers.

Screened by the Volteggiatori Fanteria Leggera, Captaino Rossi ordered the Fucilieri attack column forward!

But what is this?! Fahnrich Rolf Undtumble commanding two groups of Tyrolean Jäger deployed into the woods on the Fucilieri's left!

Tenente Conte snapped his Granatieri into line and fired a volley at Manfreid Mann's Volunteer Riflemen...

Killing three and inflicting Shock on the survivors!

With the Volteggiatori Fanteria Leggera and Volteggiatori Fanteria di Linea covering the attack column, Capitano Rossi and the Fucilieri bore down on the Freikorps.

In an attempt to stem the relentless Italian advance, Fahnrich Undtumble charged his Tyrolean Jäger in on the Volteggiatori Fanteria di Linea!

Although the Italians are forced back with Primo Corporale Zoff knocked to the ground...

The Tyrolean Jäger paid a heavy price as both Fahnrich Rolf Undtumble and his subordinate Stefan Kuntz now lay dead on the field of battle!

Believing the Gods of War(gaming) to be favouring him, Capitano Rossi charged the Fucilieri in and although the attack column broke up (and a medic killed), two groups of Freikorps musketeers were beaten back.

The Fucilieri followed this up with a quick volley...

Breaking the Freikorps formation, one group running almost back as far as Berlin!

Whilst Leutnant Undnees hid behind a stone wall with the other group.

Tenente Baresi ordered the Volteggiatori Fanteria Leggera to charge the surviving Tyrolean Jäger, but came up short after the Jäger evaded.

Suddenly a pounding of hooves was heard as Sekondeleutnant Carsten Horst having taken charge of a group of Freikorps Mounted Jäger from Estandartenjunker Franz Fürzenmemories appeared out of the trees and charged the Italian Light Infantry!

But the Volteggiatori Fanteria Leggera were fleet of foot and managed to evade the German cavalry charge.

In the centre Feldwebel Willi Vinkle with the remaining two groups Freikorps Musketeers attempted to engage the Fucilieri in fisticuffs, but the German charge came up short...

The Fucilieri poured fire into the Freikorps and one group broke, breaking the formation. Tests on the Bad Things Happen table saw the German Force Morale plummet to zero handing victory to the brave troops of the Kingdom of Italy!

Another great game of Sharp Practice, it was good to get the Italians back on the table and inflict a defeat on andy's new Freikorps army!

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