
Sunday 9 July 2023

June War: Jordanian M47 Armoured Squadron

With Andy otherwise engaged this week, Phil requested a 6mm Arab-Israeli game using Charlie Don't Surf with the proviso he could command some Israeli Shermans(!). The Israeli M51's saw limited use during the October/Yom Kippur War of 1973 but I fancied trying something a little different and inspired by the Peter Dennis illustration on the cover of Simon Dunstan's Osprey Campaign The Six Day War 1967: Jordan and Syria I thought we could take a trip back to the 1967 June War (aka Six Day War) and the West Bank...

This meant Jordanians as the opponents and whilst I had a Squadron of Jordanian Centurions painted up, I thought the battle might be better balanced if I employed some M47 or M48 Pattons. Having several spare 3D prints of the former I painted up a squadron of them for a game to be set in the Dothan Valley.

Whilst the Jordanian 60th Armoured Brigade was fully equipped with M48's, it is not certain that the 40th Armoured Brigade was and it is possible that the 2nd Regiment still employed M47's (this is what the Peter Dennis illustration shows) with the 4th equipped with M48's. If not the Jordanians had two independent tank brigades (12th and 47th) on the West Bank that used M47's so all good either way...

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