
Saturday 31 December 2022

A Cunning Plan (or two...) for 2023!

Well another year has come and gone, not quite sure what happened to the last hour months, it only seemed like August was a few weeks ago... 2022 has been an excellent year on the games front though I am terribly behind on the battle reports front. Thanks to Andy, George, Phil, Jenny and everyone else who has had the pleasure of watching my dice rolling this year!

Despite my A Cunning Plan (or two...) for 2022! largely unfulfilled, this year's painting output has been pretty good. in addition to the 6mm Cold War '58 and WW2 stuff I have posted there is a Lion Rampant Byzantine army and Sharp Practice Prussian force that have both seen tabletop action even if I still want to add some highlights to properly finish them off.

So what are the plans for 2023? 

Well first off I have volunteered to run a Valley of Tears 6mm Arab-Israeli game at the next local Lardy Day in Bristol so I need to get my stuff ready for that, mostly terrain items...

After that I'm looking to dabble in some off the beaten track Napoleonics and have put an order into Skytrex for some Haitian infantry for the San Domingo Revolution and 2023 will be the year of the Mutiny, I have had the figures long enough so better get them painted!

Just before Xmas I picked up copies of Never Mind The Billhooks Deluxe and Xenos Rampant, and Lead Mountain contains more than enough neglected toy soldiers for projects for both. There is a Billhooks open day in Bristol in May so that should provide a suitable incentive.

Of course no plan survives contact with the enemy and I'm sure this will all go out the window sooner or later! 

Anyway all that is left is for me to wish you all a Happy New Year and thank you for reading the blog - I will endeavour to update it in a more timely fashion in 2023.