
Sunday 7 August 2022

'O' Group: German Infantry Battalion and Regimental Supports

To supplement the core German Battalion in 'O' Group I painted up a number of Battalion and Regimental Support options using Heroics & Ros miniatures. An order is in to Resin Historicals for some Regimental Support armour...

Giving some more puddle-splashers is 4. schützenkompanie, a reinforcement company in game terms...

A Schwere Kompanie, the Heavy Company (Machine Gun Company in game terms) comprising of four MG42 sections and three 80mm mortar sections.

Armed with SMG's and Flamethrowers a Sturm Pionier Zug (Pioneer Platoon) 

A Panzerabwehrzug (Anti-Tank Platoon) armed with panzerschrecks...

A second Panzerabwehrzug equipped with PaK 40 anti-tank guns - I need to source some tows for these...

1 comment:

  1. Really like the basing and the detail on those figures.
