
Wednesday 29 June 2022

Lost Battles Fought...

Unfortunately earlier this year I had a bit of a FUBAR with my phone which saw its encryption programme lock me out and wipe out a week of texts and (more irritatingly) a week of photos which included two battles fought down BIG. Fortunately I managed to recover one photo of each battle that I'd posted on the BIG Historical Wednesdays Facebook Page (ironically the games being played on the Tuesday and Thursday of that week!) so I could post about them for your amusement...

First up a big The Men Who Would Be Kings game with George's Mahdists retreating (successfully) down the table...

And a wonderful Operation Sealion Chain of Command game Phil put on for Andy and myself, with some wonderful buildings made by Jenny. My Home Guard were unable to stop the Nazi invaders south of Bristol. Hopefully we can play this again sometime and I not lose the photos!

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