
Tuesday 10 May 2022

Scenery Bits & Bobs...

Alongside the 6mm tanks I've been painting up odd bits of scatter scenery for 28mm games...

First up here is a resin roadside shrine from Grand Manner purchased in their recent "unpainted" sale. I've wanted on of these to use as a deployment point or bit of scenery for my Sharp Practice Italians and am pleased with how it painted up. Unfortunately the model had a prominent mould line on the upper surface of the stone plinth that proved a bugger to remove, however a coat of PVA glue which I then painted over came to the rescue...

Next up are some resin standing stones that I picked up from Fantasy Forge some three decades ago. Aside from being useful as scatter scenery I thought they'd make great ambush points for Infamy, Infamy! if I ever get around to playing it...

Unfortunately a fifth stone went AWOL and only turned up after I'd painted these four so the challenge now is to remember how I painted these ones!.

Finally a couple of sign posts from one of Mantic's Terrain Crates. The plastic is a bit soft but they paint up nicely due to the well defined detail. I based one up for the dusty plains of Spain or Mexico or somewhere, and one for more Northern climes (I did consider painting locations of them but then told myself to stop being silly!)

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