
Tuesday 5 April 2022

Rebels and Patriots: The Battle of Darling's Farm

Having pushed the boundaries of how big a game Rebels and Patriots could handle, George, Steve, Andy and myself ventured late last year into what probably should be Black Powder territory by using an 8' x 6' table down Bristol Independent Gaming and pretty much all our toys!

With 96 points a side we chose the First Clash at Lament Ridge scenario from the rulebook, employing a farm as the objective.

I commanded the American right, pushing my Militia out of the flank with the Continental line more central to push towards the farmhouse (well that was the plan).

Andy commanded the American left with his force largely made up of Militia alongside one Continental regiment and some State troops.

Opposing Andy was George's British force which included some Iroquois and the loyalist British Legion.

My troops were opposed by Steve's Hessian mercenaries who were disappointed to find that this was not a cabbage farm...

As the battle started I pushed my light troops forward into the treeline...

Whilst the Hessians advanced stoically in the centre...

Concentrating their advance on the American far right against the Militia.

The British advanced en masse with a small Highland reserve held back to reinforce success or stem failure...

With both sides deploying cannon in the centre, my Continentals began to advance up behind the light troops...

Steve advancing his Jägers into the cover of the orchard to try and snipe at the Continental artillery.

His central Hessian force advancing slowly towards the American Continentals alongside Iroquois support.

In a bold move Andy advanced his States troops forward to try and occupy the farm and use it as a stronghold against the advancing British,

Unfortunately George has a similar idea and his lobsterbacks moved up to engage the Americans.

On the British right (opposing Andy) he pushed forward his Light Infantry...

And the British Legion.

Whilst Andy's Continentals checked their flints ready to receive them!

On the American right the Hessians deployed against the Militia regiments...

 With Militia skirmishers peppering them with musket fire.

In the centre the Hessian artillery came unstuck against the fire of Andy's State troops and my Continentals becoming Broken after a failed morale check and 50% casualties.

At this stage of the battle the Hessians were fiercely engaged with the American Militia and on the far left George's British were moving up to attack Andy's Militia.

Steve pushed his second group of Jägers forward to deal with the Militia skirmishers harassing his Line regiments...

Then charged his Iroquois at them, somewhat unsuccessfully.

However the distraction allowed his Line regiments to concentrate on the Militia to their front and one regiment of them was Broken by Hessian musket fire.

Whilst in the centre the State troops and British exchanged fire over the farm...

George moved his Light Infantry up to engage the Militia on the American left.

Pushing on Militia regiment back...

And after initially being held up by second regiment of Americans...

Routed them following a terrible Morale check roll by Andy! Fortunately the first regiment shrugged off the flight of their comrades on their subsequent check.

However that was not the end of Andy's bad dice rolling as his Continentals managed to pick up two Disorder markers to their existing one when they checked their reaction to the fleeing Militia and decided to join them on their sprint to safety! In one turn Andy had lost two of his regiments including his Continentals! :-(

With the Militia on the American right starting to amass Disorder markers I advanced the reserve Militia regiment and the Continental Dragoons to stem the Hessian advance... 

However this was too late for one Militia regiment who peppered by Hessian musket fire picked up a third Disorder marker and Routed.

On the American left the British Light Infantry went in again on the remaining American Militia...

And Routed them. The entire American left wing had now fled and only open fields stood before the advancing British!

However Andy's State's troops were still fighting for the farm itself and charged by the British line...

Saw them off, Routing the Lobsterbacks! Hurrah the State Line!

Despite that, things were looking bleak for them as the British began to encircle the farm.

The American right was in better health, although on Militia Regiment was Broken and in danger of Routing. The Hessians were bloodied but still in overall good health.

At this point time ran out though I think it was clear that with the collapse of the American left there was little chance of the remaining Patriot forces securing a victory, though the remaining Continentals and Lee's Legion Lights would have exacted a bloody price from the British and their Hessian mercenaries!

Overall a fun game (well maybe not for Andy! :D ), it was interesting to see how Rebels and Patriots stood up with ease to being played with FOUR times the suggested points recommended in the rulebook. Be good to have another game of Big R&P sometime soon... 


  1. I love the rules and the game looks great!

  2. Nice looking game! Down with KGIII!
