
Monday 14 February 2022

I Ain't Been Shot Mum: La Défense de Stonne

Something of a lost battle report here from last Autumn (a couple went AWOL), with Phil and Jenny running a 15mm I Ain't Been Shot Mum (IABSM) game down BIG with Andy joining Jenny to defend Stonne and me donning my coal scuttle helmet with Phil to storm across Northern France Blitzkrieg style! IABSM is a company level TFL game that has been around some time now but this was the first time I'd had a chance to play it.

The German armoured car reconnaissance platoon moves across the French countryside towards the village...

Whilst a unit of motorcycle troops pootle up the main road.

The lead motorcycle elements.

Unlike more recent Lardy rules IABSM uses 'blinds' for unspotted forces, Phil having replaced the suggested card ovals with more scenic looking 40mm square bases.

The 'blinds' may, or may not be French forces, and until successfully spotted the Germans will have no idea what they are.

The motorcycle platoon demonstrates its off road ability by heading up a hill on the approached to Stonne.

Whilst the armoured cars approach from the German right flank...

Trying to reveal French 'blinds' in the ruins...

The motorcycle platoon stops at the bottom of the hill...

Dismounting and moving forward on foot...

Cresting the hill and looking down on the badly damaged French town.

The French then uncover one of their 'blinds' - a Hotchkiss 25mm SA34...

And a second - another SA34 anti-tank gun!

In the woods on the German left a platoon of French infantry are also revealed.

Targeting the German armoured cars, both the Hotchkiss SA34's open fire!

One of the Sd.Kfz 231's is hit and its optics damaged - affecting its ability to target the enemy when it tries to return fire.

The dismounted motorcycle troops come under fire from the village and two are shot dead.

More French fire from the ruins sees more of the Germans hit.

Return fire from the armoured car platoon sees one SA34 crewman killed...

And another with the second Hotchkiss. Both anti-tank guns are pinned by the German cannon fire!

Not however before another AT round hits the Sd.Kfz 231 damaging its engine!

Still that is better than what happened to the second which blew up as a 25mm round slammed into it!

The Sd.Kfz 222 took Shock and was temporarily immobilised.

Bravely the dismounted motorcycle platoon advanced towards the village...

Into the face of sustained fire from a second French infantry platoon hidden in the ruins.

This Suppressed the surviving Germans in the open.

Hold on Kammeraden! The company HQ arrives with a support PZ IV D. This will sort the Frenchies out...

Vorwärts Panzers! The German armour, singing the Panzerlied, arrive on the German left flank.

The Panzer IV moves swiftly down the road in an attempt to relieve the motorcycle troops.

Who unfortunately are now beating a "tactical withdrawal" in the face of the French fire.

Advancing towards the village, the German tank looses off a couple of rounds at the French on the hill...

Killing one and Pinning one infantry section.

As the motorcycle troops attempt to pull themselves together, the PzIV moves around the corner and spots the French infantry in ruins of Stonne.

With two platoons of German armour bearing down on them, the French on the hill decide to fall back...

Moving into the ruins of the village.

At last the Opel Blitz's carrying the infantry turn up and advance across country after the armour.

The Panzer I platoon decides to scout around the woods...

Whilst the Panzer II's head towards the village in an effort to bring their cannon to bear on the defenders.

A second platoon of German infantry is carried up the road speedily...

As the Panzer I's skirt around the wooded hill in an effort to catch the retreating French in open ground.

The Panzer II's moving up behind the PzIV as the motorcycle troops get ready to move forward again.

The Panzer IV moves forward firing at one French infantry section causing casualties and Shock...

And then the second. The French infantry hide in the ruined buildings.

A lucky shot from one of the SA34's hits the Panzer IV and causes some engine damage...

But the return fire destroys one of the French anti-tank guns.

Emboldened by the French infantry retreat the German motorcycle units advance forwards again.

As two infantry platoons reach the outskirts of the town...

The third disembark their lorry and advance into the wood.

Catching one French section in the rear...

And wiping them out.

A second platoon embracing the spirit of Blitzkrieg rushes forward and disembarks to take on the survivors of the Panzer IV fire...

In the centre the slowly moving Panzer IV, now supported by the dismounted motorcycle platoon and Panzer II platoon engage the French infantry and surviving Hotchkiss anti-tank gun.

Unfortunately for the French their last anti-tank defence is swiftly destroyed by the German armour.

With PzIV D support the dismounted motorcyclists revenge their fallen comrades...

As the Sd.Kfz 222 moves into the village square to uncover the final French 'blind' - which turns out to be a dummy.

Rather late in the day, a French Char 1B trundles up the road towards the village.

The final German infantry platoon attempts to follow the example of the second platoon but they come under sustained French fire when they disembark their Opel Blitz...

Loosing one section in the exchange of gunfire.

Meanwhile, as the sun begins to set, the Panzer II's sweep around the village passing the Sd.Kfz 231. That however was the end of the game, and although badly mauled the French were still holding part of the village and the Germans had failed in their orders to secure Stonne!

As I said at the time I found my first game of IABSM "interesting" (Phil thinks this meant I hated it, which I didn't!). It was the first time I had played a fully card driven unit and leader activation Lardy game which is quite different to Chain of Command and Sharp Practice and it took some getting use to. Having played it again recently (and its Vietnam spin off) I have got my head around it a bit more now and have picked up my own copy of the rules from BIG!

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