
Thursday 14 October 2021

Sharp Practice: So Glorious A War (Day One, Game One)

Two days after my first French & Indian War Sharp Practice game I found myself down BIG taking part in the So What A Glorious Day event - four games over two days, operating with a partner against two opponents. With a basic 35 point force I was able to use my American Provincials though my Marylanders may have looked more like the 60th Foot having blue not black facings! ;D

Given my lack of knowledge of the French forces and not able to really tell the difference between Milices Canadiennes and Compagnies Franches de la Marine on the table I am afraid my recounting of the battles will be somewhat vague as to who the valiant Provincials were fighting, other than they were either 'neat French' (regulars in uniform) or 'scruffy French'! :D

For my first game against Ian and Brian I was paired up with Jenny and her British Grenadiers and tasked with holding off a French incursion...

Despite being the defenders we thought some aggressive patrolling would un-nerve the French so Jenny pushed her Grenadier skirmishers forward...

With her two groups of Grenadiers marching up behind.

Whilst one group of my Marylander Provincial skirmishers also pushed forward...

With the Lower Counties Provincial line held back to protect the Anglo-American deployment point.

Aha! Some 'scruffy' French appear!

And some more...

The French had rather oddly concentrated on our right - was there an opportunity to seize their deployment point and claim a very quick victory? The Marylander skirmishers pushed forward...

The 'scruffy' French advanced towards the Anglo-American right, keeping well away from the red-coated Grenadiers with their intimidating mitres!

To their front stood just one group of Maryland skirmishers and two groups of Militia skirmishers (the support options we rolled for this game and from my AWI collction).

The Militia skirmishers (despite having suffered a Movement event with their commander which restricted the group's movement) opened fire on the advancing French...

Inflicting some Shock on the 'scruffy' opposition.

The 'scruffy' French line (I think these were Compagnies Franches de la Marine) returned fire...

Killing two militiamen in one group and putting Shock on both groups.

With the French largely concentrated on the opposite side of the table, the Grenadier skirmishers and Marylanders moved towards the French primary deployment point now protected by a group of Huron.

More French musket fire took a toll on the Militia skirmishers...

But the second group of Marylanders returned fire...

Killing one Frenchman, putting Shock on a group and wounding their leader!

The Grenadier skirmishers continued their advance towards the French deployment point crossing the river.

Meanwhile the firefight on the Anglo-American right heated up as the French pushed forward...

Trading fire with the second group of Marylanders...

Who lost one man in the exchange of musket-balls.

The other Marylander skirmishers opened fire on the Huron guarding the French deployment point killing one and putting Shock on them...

Before charging forward to engage in Fisticuffs! 

This bold attack did not go well for the Provincials who lost four men and took seven points of Shock...

Resulting on them fleeing back to the safety of their lines! The Grenadiers meanwhile opened fire on the Huron.

With the Provincial and Militia skirmishers just about holding the main French advance, Jenny moved the Grenadier foot across the river...

Whilst the Lower Counties Provincials moved forward to support the skirmishers...

With the Grenadiers moving across the river it was clear to the French that they needed to get a move on if they were to break through the Provincials and capture the British deployment point.

The Huron defence of the French deployment point saw their musket fire put Shock on the Grenadier skirmishers and a glancing shot knocked the British NCO down!

The French pushed forward, pouring fire into the Militia skirmishers...

Who were now forced back leaving a gap in the Anglo-American line.

With the French starting to overload the Anglo-American right flank, the Lower Provincials moved forward and opened fire on the 'scruffy' French line...

With the Grenadiers marching smartly up the table in column towards the French deployment point and potentially outflanking the French line...

Fire! The Lower Counties Provincial Line open fire on the French to their front...

Who lose a man and take Shock.

The 'scruffy' French skirmishers charge forward at the remaining Militia skirmishers...

But are surprisingly beaten back...

And then wiped out by fire from the Marylanders!

Another group of 'scruffy' French charge into the Provincial skirmishers...

And whilst four brave Provincials fall to the French....

They beat off the attack killing the French leader and five of his men!

Unfortunately a third group of French follow up the failed attack wiping out the Marylanders...

Before turning their attention to the remaining Militia group and charging into them!

No doubt inspired by the noble sacrifice of the Marylanders the Militia bravely beat off the French attack killing four of them for the loss of just two men.

Meanwhile in a desperate move a last group of 'scruffy' French charge the Grenadier skirmishers at the river, the British NCO now having recovered from his earlier flesh wound.

The first round of Fisticuffs saw the melee drawn but before the combatants could fight again...

The French leader challenged the Grenadier NCO to a duel! 

The British sergeant could have refused but accepted and ran the impudent Frenchman through with his half-pike!

The next round of Fisticuffs saw the 'scruffy' French defeated and the French Force Morale fall to zero! Victory for the Anglo-American force!

That was a fun battle which seemed to swing back and forth. I had thought the French had blown it by leaving their deployment point so badly exposed (so did they from the panicked movement of troops towards it as the Maryland and Grenadier skirmishers got so close to it!), but they almost carried the right flank and may have done except for some brave Fisticuffs from the other Marylanders and (quite surprisingly) the Militia skirmishers who certainly performed above and beyond.

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