The latest reinforcements for my Sharp Practice Kingdom of Italy force are two groups of Cacciatore a Cavallo (Chasseurs à Cheval for those of you more used to the French pronunciation) built from Perry's lovely 28mm French Chasseurs à Cheval plastics).
I decided to paint mine up as the 1° (Real Italiano) who fought in both Spain (1808 to 1812) and Germany (1813). I didn't realise until I'd almost finished them that the Real Italiano wore a black Czapska with white piping until at least 1809 (which would have looked really cool) but as my force is roughly aimed at the 1810-12 period they are good in shakoes.
As with the infantry the cavalry were just block painted the subjected to some Army Painter Soft Tone dip before a few highlights were painted on. The horses were undercoated black and then given a 'wet brush' (a heavy dry brush with a paint loaded brush which paints the raised areas and leaves the lower ones black).
I painted up two groups and a Sergente to lead them (who I have just noticed has removed his rank stripes to thwart any guerrillas! Ok, I forgot to do them...), waving his sword dramatically in the air! Avanti mio Cacciatore!
A lovely job, the saddle blanket is a real eye catcher.