
Sunday 6 September 2020

Ancient Galley Warfare: Persian Triremes II (and Grain Ships)

With BIG having reopened George, Steve and I have resumed planning for our Salamis refight sometime this month, with a game of Poseidon's Warriors scheduled for this week to try the rules out. Matt kindly printed me a load more of the Voxelhouse 3D Ancient Navy ships and I've been cracking on painting them...

Here are 20 more trieremes with two towers giving me a total of 25 (five squadrons).

And 5 more with the one tower, giving me 20 of these types (four squadrons).

I also painted up half a dozen of the Voxelhouse merchant grain ships. Technically I think these are Roman but I'm not going to lose any sleep over that...

Finally Steve persuaded us that we should use clear perspex bases for mounting our ships on. I felt they needed some wakes so using some white glue and fine sand came up with this effect. Think it works ok...