
Wednesday 29 July 2020

The Men Who Would Be Kings: Who Can Sternly Die When Hope Is Done?

With the relaxation of the lockdown restrictions in England, BIG has reopened for some gaming, although with social distancing protocols in place and lots of hand sanitizer on hand! Unfortunately George is largely working from home not in Bristol, but a trip to the office led to an opportunity to dust off the toy soldiers and get a game in!

As he has painted some camels for his Dervishes (above) we decided to revisit the Sudan with The Men Who Would Be Kings and the Run To The Hills scenario with a retreating Imperial force attempting to cross hostile territory in an attempt to reach safety and tiffin!

Turn one saw something amazing happen that had never happened before in a TMWWBK game - every unit in the British Field Force obeyed the order to Advance!

The Bazingers soon saw the enemy appear on their flank as three Rubs of Dervishes appeared out of the desert dust (one just off camera...)

The Bengal Lancers charged in to support their native allies, whilst the 2/66th Foot moved up in support...

In one turn the Lancers wiped out an enemy Rub having followed up their initial charge to excellent effect. Sixteen Dervishes down for the loss of two brave Lancers!

Unfortunately another unit of Dervishes then charged the Lancers inflicting two more casualties before being driven back whilst more Dervishes charged the Bazingers killing half of them and Pinning them.

The remaining Lancers in a Death or Glory charge attacked the Bazingers foe, and whilst every brave lancer fell, they inflicted enough casualties on the enemy to Pin them. Demoralised by their losses this unit of Dervishes failed to rally during the battle...

On the other flank two units of Mahdist rifles started taking pot shots at the Sikhs and Highlanders with limited but occasional effect.

At this stage the battle was going well for the British with two units of Dervishes effectively taken out and still having four units of Regular Line and half a unit of Irregulars...

The sole remaining Dervish Rub who had survived the Lancers charges, decided themselves to attempt to Charge the 2/66th but failed to get into contact and were left staring down the barrels of 12 Martini-Henrys!

The fickle fortunes of war however soon saw defeat snatched from the jaws of victory! A pathetic volley of dice saw just two Dervish fall to the British gun-fire and the next turn the natives hit the British line killing three-quarters of the 2/66th in one round of combat!

Meanwhile elsewhere the Dervish managed to get their cannon into position to fire at the Imperialist invaders...

Though George's new Camel Cavalry kept refusing orders to advance into combat!

As the sun began to set, the Sikhs and Highlanders prepared to face the Mahdist foe...

Native riflemen falling to the disciplined fire of the Highlanders who were shooting into the setting sun!

Faced with two advancing units of Mahdists, the 15th Sikhs stood proud, ready to put enemy to the bayonet!

A crack of artillery fire and a shell landed amongst their ranks killing one brave son of the Punjab and causing the others to falter and become Pinned!

The Mahdist River Arabs took advantage and charged in killing four more of the Sikhs, who being Pinned could only fight at half effectiveness...

Another round of melee and the Sikhs died to a man...

Suddenly exposed the 92nd Highlanders fired at the advancing Mahdists...

And whilst they held off the River Arabs, a Rub of Fanatic Dervishes charged in...

Killing all but three of the Highlanders and Pinning them!

From looking favourable a couple of turns earlier, the battlefield had now swung against the British with three units of Regulars being effectively wiped out in quick succession...

The Camel Cavalry having spent most of the game refusing to advance, scented blood and glory and charged the three Pinned Highlanders wiping them out...

Whilst the remaining 2/66th then came under attack from the Dervishes who had attacked the Highlanders and were wiped out as well...

In a last flurry of defiance the Bazingers Rallied and managed to inflict casualties on the Mahdists who had caused them grief earlier and Pinned them.

Respite was short though with the Mahdists who beat the 92nd and wiped out the 2/66th crashing into the native Irregulars and putting them to the sword...

With just the 1/66th left isolated (and badly positioned) I conceded the battle.

Well that ebbed and flowed! With the Lancers having taken out two units of Dervishes and with the third coming up short in a Charge I thought the Gods of War(gaming) were with me, but the failure of the 2/66th to fire to any meaningful effect with the enemy under their guns was the turning point. The battle may have been rescuable if the 15th Sikhs had not become Pinned having suffered just one casualty as they can match the Mahdists on a one to one basis in combat, but they did not get the chance to.

Overall an enjoyable game, it was good to roll dice and push toy soldiers around again, and the amount of dead Dervishes testament to a hard fought victory for the Mahdi!


  1. Looked a crackin' game. Not at all, good news for Blighty though!!!

  2. Great stuff! Makes me want to revisit my Sudan collection for TMWWBK
