
Monday 4 November 2019

Stuart Asquith RIP

Earlier today I read on Battlegames of the sad passing of Stuart Asquith. Whilst his name may not be spoken of in quite the same terms of Featherstone or Grant, his contribution to the hobby is no less important and for me, personally, the encouragement to write for wargames magazines, starting with Practical Wargamer and my Glasnost and the Modern Wargamer article many moons ago when Stuart was editor.

Uniquely at the time Stuart was prepared to include fantasy and SF wargaming articles in his magazine, unlike the editors of Miniature Wargames and Wargames Illustrated, unlike them Stuart regarded it as just another period played with toy soldiers, a sentiment I whole heartedly agreed with and Stuart kindly published a couple of Lord of the Rings themed articles I write for Practical Wargamer.

I only spoke to him on the phone a couple of times when he was editor, but he was always polite and helpful and his wisdom freely given. He has written copious books and articles and I shall be digging some out to re-read over the next few days...


  1. May not have been in the first order like Featherstone or Grant, but he was certainly a giant from the '80's onward in wargaming.

  2. In my book he was one of the fathers of modern gaming, a great loss to us all.

  3. Well said Sir, what a loss to the hobby in general.
    Thanks for posting, best wishes,
