
Sunday 31 December 2017

Why Men Are Stupid and Wives Are Not...

Some of you may have noticed an absence of posts on Bleaseworld over the last year and a bit. Whilst I have some excuse in the work involved on Panzerfäuste and Spitfyre has eaten into my hobby time, the main reason for the lack of doing anything hobby related was I had been struggling to see what the hell I was painting!

Like many gamers of a certain age I have vari-focal glasses allowing me to see things in the distance (useful when driving) and things close up (useful when reading). The problem I have with my prescription glasses is that whilst I can focus easily on a book at say eighteen inches distance trying to paint a toy soldier at six was practically impossible.

Being a typical man I hadn't really thought about a solution (well I have glasses that do the near and far thing) until I mentioned the problem to SWMBO this morning (who had thought I hadn't done any painting as I am just disorganised). 

She immediately dragged me (and a 28mm German para) down to ASDA to look at the non-prescription reading glasses, ignoring my comment that I can read fine, and made me try on some off the shelf reading glasses to see if I could focus on my beautifully detailed little lead friend at six inches... Eureka! I could!

So £10 later I now have a pair of 2.5x reading glasses which will allow me to paint some more of the masses hidden in Lead Mountain! All I need do now is gain access to my painting bench and hope my paints haven't all dried up...

See you in 2018 bloggers, Bleaseworld is back! :-)


  1. Good to hear. Happy New Year to you.

  2. Glad to see you back Steve...quite literally!

    Happy New Year

  3. Snap - I had exactly the same experience and conversation with my wife yesterday. Problem solved by upping my reading glasses strength from 2x to 2.5x!
    Enjoy, Peter

  4. I will try this when I get home Steve :)

    Richard B.

  5. Good light helps as well. Glasses backed up with a daylight lamp and integral magnifier and i'm off

  6. Happy New Year. I also wear multi focal glasses but can comfortably paint my minis without them

  7. Good to sdee you back - wish i'd tried out 2.5x glasses before investing in an optivisor!

  8. Good to have you back. As a Yorkshireman I wish i'd tried out some 2.5 specs before investing in an optivisor!

    ps an anglepoise type lamp wth an led daylight bulb helps too 😉

  9. I think it is a problem that faces many of us of-a-certain-age.

