
Friday 26 June 2015

Warhammer is Dead, Long Live errr Warhammer?

This picture has been all over Facebook today. It is the new face of Warhammer, replacing the old game with a smaller scale game using less figures and on round bases.

Personally I am beyond caring with what GW do and what they do with WHFB (I still believe the 2nd edition was the best), but it does make for interesting viewing...


  1. This sort of bollocks is why Oldhammer is increasingly popular

  2. Stylistic differences aside, it looks like a thinly-veiled rip-off of Mantic's King of War Basileans. But then Warhammer has always been a thinly-veiled rip-off of so many elements drawn from a variety of sources... quite hypocritical when you consider how keen they are to press suit for IP infringement.

  3. Hmm skirmish game, wasn't that called Mordheim?

  4. I remember playing a lot of second edition, before I fell out of fantasy wargaming, and while not perfect it was fun to play.

  5. I predict a metric tone of khorne plastic will soon be hitting fleabay...

  6. They produced some excellent games in their day.... and then subsequently and unceremoniously dropped most of the ones I enjoyed playing.

  7. Looks like the same old GW tricks as before. Very pretty looking but no doubt so expensive only for dads to buy who only see their kids once a fortnight and so spend money like water.

  8. There's talk of free rules. No I don't believe it either. The word free has four letters as far as GW is concerned.

  9. Meh. Like so many others. I am pretty well beyond caring about what GW is doing. Anything I want from them is at least ten or fifteen years old.
