
Sunday 7 June 2015

ArcWorlde: Grim Oop North

I met Alex Huntley, the talent behind Warploque Miniatures, last week, what a very nice young chap he is! Looking at the wonderful ArcWorlde miniatures on his display stand he pointed out the stunning new Mountain Troll that will be part of a new ArcWorlde supplement - Trouble in the North. This expansion will include Norse themed humans and given how great all Alex's sculpts are, they will be a must have purchase.

This of course prompted me to recall guiltily that most of the ArcWorlde miniatures I bought in the Kickstarter are still sat in the box they came in, which is a shame after an initially good start painting them. So this afternoon I dug out then them. Jungle Gremlins and the Jungle Troll and started slapping paint on them. Hopefully I will get some of them finished this week and maybe move onto the Bayourk Orcs or River Trolls, the figures that attracted me to the range in the first place!

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of Warploque miniatures until I saw them at Salute this year, and I had to have some of their Trolls. Only last week I painted up a Forest Troll and added it to my blog. He is quite large but absolutely full of character. Hope to see your painted effort soon!
