
Friday 24 April 2015

Panzerfäuste Reborn!

I've had to keep this under my hat for a while but I can tell you something I have been dying to for months! This is what I posted on the Wessex Games Fantasy Yahoo Group today...

"I love Panzerfäuste, it is a great game with a great background. It is also a game that has huge potential but sadly a potential that I have not been able to realise through Wessex Games.

Last last year Rob Alderman, a long time fan of the game, approached me about producing a new edition. As you may know Rob has a full-time job working for Prodos Games and has a level of experience in the industry and a portfolio of contacts that I can only dream of. He knows the figure designers, artists, manufacturers and printers that could make Panzerfäuste the game I first dreamed of and the one we both dream of playing!

So we are going to do it!

We have set up Hysterical Games, a jointly owned company to produce a new version of Panzerfäuste.

We have a plan, Rob has a team of artists and sculptors working on some beautiful colour art and brand new miniatures. Rob is working on new rules and I’m having a whale of a time fleshing out the background,

I suppose I should clarify what I mean when I say a new version of Panzerfäuste...

The new version will be a completely different game. As you know the original game was a section level skirmish game, the new version will be a reinforced platoon level mass battle game. This means that not only will the basic infantry be produced for the game, but (at long last) there will be support weapons produced along with the armoured war-beasts that take on the role of tanks in the world of Panzerfäuste.

The skirmish game will not die and will continue to be available, so in effect there will be two Panzerfäuste games available for you to play, a squad level skirmish one and a platoon level battle one depending on what takes your fancy.

The new miniatures will be compatible with the old Wessex Games figures, but they will be head and shoulders above them in terms of detail. Rob has a lot of experience at Prodos dealing with the production of wargames figures in lightweight polyurethane resin from computer 3D renders and that is what we are going to use going forward.

 Now I confess as an old grognard I was a little bit skeptical about this, until I saw what Prodos have produced. Have a look at these figures here and start imagining what we can now do for Panzerfäuste!

We will be starting the project by concentrating on the start of the Great Dwarven War in Panzerfäuste, concentrating our initial efforts on Dwarves, Gnomes, Orcs and Troglodyte armies. After that we will move onto the Dark Elves, Ogres, Rats etc. My list of armies and troop types that I want to see produced is extremely long to say the least!

More news will be coming soon. Please follow the Hysterical Games page on Facebook where we will be posting regular updates and sneak peaks of the miniatures and artwork as soon as we can:  If you are at Salute tomorrow pop along and say hello to Rob on the Prodos stand, hopefully he will have a picture of the first Dwarf infantry renders. Also have a look at the Warzone Resurrection figures as that is the detail we are going for. I hope you are as excited by this news as I am.

Hopefully we can make Panzerfäuste the game of 2015 – and beyond!"

Excited? Damn right I am...

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