
Saturday 18 April 2015

Highway to Hell...

So with a new Mad Max movie coming out in May you think someone would be clever enough to release a similarly themed miniatures game around the same time. What's that Word Forge Games? You're launching a Kickstarter in May for Devil's Run: Route 666, a 20mm game of post-apocalyptic road rage?

I've been following the build up to this game on the Facebook page and the 3D renders certainly look interesting and should be pretty awesome painted up. If you are Salute next week there should be some models on the Prodos stand to have a look at.

This isn't the only piece of Mad Max inspired goodness around. Ramshackle Games having released a lovely looking 20mm Biker Gang set, eleven resin models for £20. These do look very, very nice...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the steer on those Ramshackle bikes - very useful :)
