
Friday 6 February 2015

Command & Colours : The Great War

A number of you have, over the years, raved about Memoir '44 and the Command & Colours system. I'm not great lover of boardgames, but given the ravings of the Command & Colours fans and the fact that Plastic Soldier Company are rapidly becoming my favourite games company (I need to pre-order Battlegroup Blitzkrieg), I have decided to support PSC's Kickstarter for The Great War.

It looks pretty cool with a load of 15mm WWI plastics, and hopefully if the funds are reached some cool expansions including tanks.

On the painting front I did manage to make some fair progress on my first Confederate Regiment, I seem to be getting some of my painting mojo back!


  1. Saw this yesterday, Steve - looks nice!

  2. Well Done! I did pledged as well. It is already on 50%. :)

  3. That looks interesting indeed...thanks for the heads up!

  4. Looks really cool! Looking forward to see the confederates as well!

  5. I might have to give it a try.
