
Saturday 14 February 2015

All At Sea...

Ever the romantic I spent St Valentine's Day with SWMBO in Currys PC World looking at cookers, washer dryers and dishwashers and then treating her to a Big Mac meal for tea! :-) This, again, meant I was not able to finish the last bit of block painting on my Confederates - maybe tomorrow...

I did manage to get some "gaming" in on the iPad with a new game recommended to me by a friend in the States. Where Battle Academy is my iPad vice, Pacific Fleet is Tommy's, so I thought it worth trying out the free Lite version, which led me to splashing the cash (all £4.49 of it) on the full game.

I'm only a few missions in as the commander of the SS Gato but have found this to be a great game with wonderful graphics (here are a couple of screen grabs from two of my games). If you have an iPad (or an iPhone there is a version for that), check it out, it is great fun. The invasion of Poland with Panzer Corps is now on hold whilst I sink the Imperial Japanese Navy!!!


  1. Pacific Fleet is a fun game - I've played it through a few times - watch out for those Japanese Long Lance torpedoes and always, always shoot the carriers first

  2. Looks fun... on android too for £3.84...

  3. thanks for the review. Looks I might be buying the game soon.
